Our mission

At Epro we provide high quality solutions, designed with clinical insight at the core. We innovate by creating opportunities that engage with patients to drive better health. Our award-winning modular platform supports a growing community of 15 NHS Trusts and over 22,000 NHS users with leading edge tools to deliver better patient care.

We’re not just another software development company. We aim to produce the very best software for hospital trusts, to make a real difference to staff and ultimately patient experiences. This is no small task: our long-term goal is for clinical staff to see Epro as being one of the reasons they choose to work at a Trust.

Epro’s success is down to our belief that medical software needs to be world class: designed to meet user needs and simplify administration work within hospitals. We believe that by designing the best systems for staff we can make a significant difference to the general experience people have when they use a hospital trust.

This means our software has to be built to the best standards. We have a lot of pride in the quality of our code, and the skills our team has.

How we started

Dr. Adam Towler, was working as a dermatologist in the NHS when he became frustrated with the way patient records were handled within hospital trusts. The systems did not support his work, and were not really fit for purpose. This problem sparked the initial idea for Epro.

Our history

  • 2001
    Epro founded

    In 2001 Epro was created. To date Epro maintains the ethos that medical software needs to be world class in both speed and usability to meet user needs

  • 2003
    University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust

    Epro was deployed as a first pilot within its first NHS hospital setting, taking the software from concept to a commercial product

  • 2007
    Epro commisioned by West Suffolk to write custom Discharge Summaries module

    West Suffolk hit key targets by replacing discharge summaries resulting in 100% transmission to GP’s within 24 hours of the patient being discharged

  • 2009
    Trustwide extension to clinical correspondence and handover lists at West Suffolk

    West Suffolk deploy Epro as an enterprise solution, providing a means to access and distribute clinical documentation

  • 2010
    First company to implement NHS dm + d (Drugs, medicines + devices) dictionary in secondary care

    Epro provides implementation of coded systems to describe drugs and medicines

  • 2011
    Epro wins contract for 2,500 user installation at Leeds Teaching Hospitals

    Awarded ITK accreditation from the Information Sharing Challenge Fund, leading to Leeds Teaching Hospitals deploying Epro trust-wide

  • 2015
    Enterprise-wide deployment at Taunton & Somerset NHS Foundation Trust

    Epro deployed successfully with clinical correspondence module saving £1.1million per annum compared to paper based methods

  • 2015
    20,000 registered Epro users

    Across all combined NHS trust customer sites, 20,000 Epro users are registered, creating letters, dictations and storing medical documents electronically

  • 2016
    Epro appoints Bob Gilkes as CEO

    Bob Gilkes has come in to Epro to disrupt and lead strategic development of the company. With a vast portfolio in business development, investment and building partnerships, Bob is taking Epro to new heights

  • 2017
    20,000,000 letters created in Epro

    Across each deployed NHS Trust site, 20,000,000 letters have been created and distributed

Innovation in clinical usability

Epro has placed usability and speed at the forefront of its solutions since it was founded, with the aim of improving the clinical user experience across the range of medical disciplines.

“Epro ranked top for usability amongst clinicians“

This was recognised in a clinical Software Usability Survey (cSUS) conducted by Digital Health Intelligence in 2016.